Tuesday 15 May 2012

Assignment 2

This assignment requires me to incorporate everything that I have learnt so far on the course into a set of photos, I need to produce 10 -15 photos all of a similar subject showing the following effects

Single point dominating the composition

Two points

Several points in a deliberate shape

A combination of vertical and horizontal lines



Distinct even if irregular shapes

At least 2 kinds of implied triangle



I have decided to use street detail as my theme, this started off ok but I found coastal images started to creep into my work as it is a coastal town that I live in.

Here are my pictures.

A single point dominating the composition.
I had planned to take a picture of a sign for this but was struggling to get the angle right, when I turned around to cross the road I saw this flashing beacon that I thought would be ideal.

Two points

I have used the cross in the railings and the curved end of a wall for this.

Several points in a deliberate shape.

The first picture is a shape created by the remains of the sea defences.

The second picture of the steps shows angles and curves creating soft flowing shapes.

A combination of vertical and horizontal lines.

This fence is now hanging closer to the edge after a bad winter of coastal erosion 


This set of steps leading from the cliffs to the beach has so many diagonals in it from the structure to the diagonals of the stairs and handrails

For the second picture I liked the diagonals of this fence and how that they appear to get closer together as you move along the photo


I liked the curves in this photo as you can follow curves all the way through street of this picture

I liked how the steps had a soft flowing curve and I added to this by softening the edges of the photo

Distinct even if irregular shapes.

I found these irregular shapes in part of a stained glass church window.

At least 2 kinds of implied triangle.

The first picture showing coastal erosion and is split into 2 triangles of the cliff and sky the house with its triangular roof is now derelict and very close to the edge.

When away I looked out of the window and saw the apex of this house.


I used this row of terraced houses all with the same bay windows to create a rhythm.

The second picture is of a wall made with lots of semi circles creating rhythm and movement


I have used a cobbled street and a bunch of roses to show pattern.

I found this assignment really interesting it has made me look more closely at my composition and now
I  find myself being more aware. After researching different photographers work I loved some of the old black and white pictures and decided to work in black and white for  this assignment.  I liked the results of the black and white pictures but plan to spend more time learning to convert B+W to create more punchy images