Saturday 16 March 2013

Assignment 5

For this assignment I decided to illustrate the story of my friend Terries wedding

I used a close up picture that I took and edited from outside of the church to be on the front cover. For a crisp clean uncluttered look to my pages I decided on  a white background with a thin black line around the photo and a further white border around although this is hard to see on the white blog background.

Page 1 - The inside cover I gave the full page to a picture of the church that the wedding was taking place in, adding the same background and borders to match the cover page

Page 2 - For this I sized 4 photos of the wedding preparations onto the same size page with border keeping the unity but adding a different look to the full page inside cover sitting opposite to it.

Page 3 - As you turn the page I have mirrored page 2 using a 4 page set up again. This shows the Rev, groom, best man and ushers outside the church and then the brides car arriving

Page 4 - To sit opposite the 4 picture spread I have chosen a full page photo of the bride and her father as they are about to go into the church.

Back page As you turn the page Terri & Joe are walking back down the aisle as husband and wife.

Inside cover picture

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Back page

Exercise 44 Rain

To produce a picture of rain I first tried to think of something different and took this photo of rain as it was just passing by and in the distance over the sea. I however wondered if this was a strong enough image to show this as you cannot see fine close up rain drops.

So I took this second picture through the glass window screen of the car it shows rain on the window screen with shiny reflective surfaces to the roads and reflections of the vehicle lights.

exercise 43 Juxtaposition

For this exercise I decided to take a picture of someone who's hobby is photography, the man is standing by his camera and tripod with rocks in the foreground leading you into the picture. I have used a slow shutter speed that gives a smooth look to the water, I think that this as well as the muted background gives a pleasing image.

Exercise 42 symbols

I need to find symbols for a number of concepts listing more that 1 for the following subjects and explain how I would photograph this


A plant with new shoots and buds on it
I would photograph this on a high key white background that would add no distraction and put all the enforces on to the plant, also making the new growth shoots and buds my point of focus

A set of stairs/steps
taken from the bottom so that you can clearly see the growth and rise up to the top


 food waste - with examples of piles of rotting food

 Overly full suitcase at airport to show excess baggage


Handcuffs - close up shot of hands cuffed behind a persons back

crime scene tape - A line of tape against an out of focus background


Finger at mouth - picture of child with finger on there lips

Inside of a church with a person sitting seeking solitude


A  person - sitting in the street begging money for food

Homelessness person sleeping under cardboard

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Exercise 41 Evidence of action

For this exercise I need to take one photo that shows something that has just happened, I chose this empty glass being placed back onto the bar with froth still stuck to the sides it shows that a pint of beer has just been drunk from it.

Exercise 40 A narrative picture essay

For this narrative picture essay I decided to take some pictures of my kitten at feeding time, his routine is to come in first thing sit on the chair for a while, go looking for food and then sleep. Knowing this routine helped me to plan my shots.

First picture coming through the cat flap

Coming in

Thinking about dinner

Looking for food

Waiting for my dinner to be served


Now time for sleep

Assignment 4 Applying lighting techniques final revisions

For this assignment I need to use the lighting techniques that I have learned and using one subject ( I have chosen the bump of a pregnant lady ) produce 8 photos that demonstrate the qualities of



In this first picture of shape I have used lighting to light the white background in contrast to the  silhouette outline of the shape.


For this second picture of shape I backlit the subject with natural light  positioning my model inside a doorway looking out and spot metered on the subject


With my photos of form I wanted to show as much dimension as possible and have archived this in this first picture by positioning the light onto the centre of the bump and using the mothers hands at the top and bottom of the bump to help emphasise this

For the second picture of form I angled the model round more towards the camera and the model placed her hands under the bump with her partner standing behind placing his hand onto the side of the bump, I softened the lighting using  a soft box and feathered it to cover the front of the bump to show depth.

For this picture of texture I was using a 50mm lens and it shows the butterfly tattoo to the side with the
texture of the skin around it although I would have worked better if I had of had a macro lens to use.

My second picture of texture is more abstract with the bump but shows the texture moving outward from the belly button.

For the first colour picture I used high key light for the white background with a large softbox giving even light onto the model and bump for the skin colour to stand out.

 The second colour photo I have taken as a close up with the models hands around her belly button this shows the different skin tones from her hands and nails to her bump