Saturday 16 March 2013

Assignment 5

For this assignment I decided to illustrate the story of my friend Terries wedding

I used a close up picture that I took and edited from outside of the church to be on the front cover. For a crisp clean uncluttered look to my pages I decided on  a white background with a thin black line around the photo and a further white border around although this is hard to see on the white blog background.

Page 1 - The inside cover I gave the full page to a picture of the church that the wedding was taking place in, adding the same background and borders to match the cover page

Page 2 - For this I sized 4 photos of the wedding preparations onto the same size page with border keeping the unity but adding a different look to the full page inside cover sitting opposite to it.

Page 3 - As you turn the page I have mirrored page 2 using a 4 page set up again. This shows the Rev, groom, best man and ushers outside the church and then the brides car arriving

Page 4 - To sit opposite the 4 picture spread I have chosen a full page photo of the bride and her father as they are about to go into the church.

Back page As you turn the page Terri & Joe are walking back down the aisle as husband and wife.

Inside cover picture

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Back page

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