Tuesday 17 April 2012

Exercise 15. Positioning a Point.

In this exercise I made a list of possible subjects to photograph, We had a few days of rain so on the first opportunity to venture out I went to the local lake and took some photos. I ended up with a rock, stump and duck as these were all in the lake surrounded by water. I decided to redo the exercise using different backgrounds that are not all the same and have also changed the photos to black and white to  to give more emphasis on the point

This is the first picture

                                          I have placed the daisy to the top right  of the frame
                                          on the top thirds, its not the best example of a daisy but          
                                          it had been raining and had closed up a bit I like how it        
                                          is facing inwards towards the space in the frame

                                           This is my favourite of the 3 pictures a horse and
                                           rider along the beach, as you can see the horse is in the
                                           bottom third of the frame with lots of space to head into

                                          In this picture of the boat it is moving from the top third 
                                          of the frame into the middle with lots of space left
                                          to move into

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracy, found this looking for inspiration for my own coursework, I really like the horse too.
