Wednesday 25 April 2012

exercise 21 Rhythms and patterns

The last exercise before assignment 2.
For this exercise I need to produce photographs of rhythm and pattern, in a few of my pictures. After looking at them over and over and changing my mid a few times, this is what I have come up with.

First rhythm

This is the top of a stone wall and the curves of cement give a strong movement that carries you through the picture

There are lots of semi circles in this picture which is of a different wall. These give flow to the picture but I think that if I had of  photographed it straight on and performed a tighter crop it could have been a pattern as well.


This is the pattern on a foot stall that I have cropped  fairly tightly

I love the diamond pattern on these steps, there was about 3 or 4 steps but I have cropped in tightly

After posting the last picture I started to wonder if the top line of cement distracted from the pattern
and have decided to crop it further to stop this from happening.

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