Saturday 21 April 2012

Exercise 19 Implied lines

For the start of this exercise I needed to look at 2 photographs and find the implied lines in them using an arrow to show the dominant direction

The first picture
I have used photoshop to change it to a black and white line drawing, so that the lines stand out.
With this picture of the bull and bullfighter there is a strong sense of movement the curve at the top shows the direction of this, with the movement carrying down to the bullfighters cape and the curve in the sand.

With the second photograph I felt that this also had a strong sense of movement, with the curve between the 2 horses that I have marked. There is also strong eye contact in the image between the man and horse.

For the next part of this exercise I had to find 3 photos of my own and perform the analysis on them

Here are my 3 photos

This first photo shows the eye contact from the jockey to the horse and from the horse to the fence it is about to jump

This picture shows the dogs eye line as she waits for her treat

I have shown the motion of the curve in the direction that the birds are about to take off

For the 3rd part of the exercise I have taken 2 pictures showing implied lines

This picture shows an eye line with the man on the right looking at the other man who is looking at what he is holding in his hands

This photo shows the extension of a line thats joins up into a triangle

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