Wednesday 11 July 2012

Exercise 23 Primary and secondary colours

I need to find and photograph a scene that is dominated by a single colour from the colour wheel doing this with all 6 colours and producing 3 photos for each varying the exposure.
I am visiting relatives at the moment and it is lot more green with more fields than at home by the sea. So green will be my starting point.

f/16 1/125

f/20 1/125

f/22 1/125

These 3 photos show a field with a range of different greens from the grass to the trees my preference is to the 3 photo at f/22 as the sky is slightly darker

Yellow, for this I chose a lemon that had a cut in it and placed it onto a plate I then placed it on to a sunny windowsill

f/4.5  1/1600

f/5  1/1600

f/5.6 1/1600

For the colour yellow I took these 3 pictures of a lemon I prefer the first photo taken at f4.5 this shows the lemon at its lightest of all the 3 pictures

This lovely violet orchid has the sun shining through it



I had a difficult time deciding which of the 3 photos was my favourite, I like the first one as this shows the darker sky that works nicely with the violet flower, but my favourite was the lightest of the pictures and over exposed but I liked the arty feel to it showing the veins of the flower with the white highlights  of the background

As I was walking along the beach a fisherman was just offloading these crabs and stopped to let me take a few quick shots



I like the first picture the best

Blue. I chose the blue of the sea and sky for this picture



I like the 3rd slightly darker photo.

This orange marigold stands out well against the green backdrop



I prefer the f/5.6 which was the middle exposure as it is not too dark
I have adjusted the exposures of the 3 photos in each set and this varies the colours slightly some of the pictures where more noticeable than others and I found it a case personal of preference in most cases though some pictures looked over saturated

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