Wednesday 11 July 2012

Exercise 24 Colour relationships

This exercise is in 2 parts, for the first part I have to produce 3 photos demonstrating the following colour relationships.

  • Red - Green   1-1
  • Orange - Blue 1-2
  • Yellow - Violet 1-3
Red - Green
I have cropped this photo of the red roof tiles and green tree to a 1-1 ratio

Orange - Blue
I took the picture of this sunset looking out to sea and have brightened it using photoshop to get the orange to stand out more I then cropped it to get the 1-2 ratio

Yellow - Violet
This is a sunset looking over the Norfolk Broads I was lucky that there was some lovely colours in the sky. I cropped the photo to get the 1-3 ratio and adjusted the levels in photoshop to bring out the yellow slightly more

For the second part of the exercise I have to take 3 - 4 pictures colour combinations that I like.

I chose this purple thistle with its vibrant colour and green stem contrasting with the soft out of focus muted green and blue background.

I saw this field as I was driving past and found a pull in by the side of the road to stop so that I could take a quick photo of it.
I like the yellow of the field contrasting with the blue sky and then merging into the red of the poppies. On reflection I would have cropped in tighter and lost some of the green as it is too dominant in the left hand corner

This rape field shows 1 part yellow to 2 parts blue. I used a polarising filter to lift the sky and bring the clouds out but maybe doing this has lost too much of the blue

This was another field that I was driving past, when I saw this  beautiful mix of colours red green and purple I managed to pull over and take this quick photo

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