Friday 14 June 2013

Assignment 2 Evaluation

I have found Assignment 2 (Blog Reference - May 12) really interesting and eye opening, it has helped me learn to be more perceptive to my surrounding and all the angles, lines, shapes and curves that are around me - finding the right spot to take the photo, which can add so much more to the shot.

I chose street photography to base this assignment on and particularly enjoyed walking around looking for ideas of shapes to photograph, I wanted to practice my skills at using a 50mm lens on this assignment which made me thing more as you have to move your position more than just zooming in. I looked at the work of Andre Kertesz (Blog Reference - 23/04/12), he is famous for his unorthodox camera angles and haunting compostitions. At first I was not sure if i would like his style but soon became fascinated by his use of odd shapes and unusual angles.

Within my tutors feedback I was really pleased that my tutor noticed an improvement with my learning log as I had tried to set it out better.

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