Friday 14 June 2013

Assignment 5 Evaluation

I was disappointed with my feedback for assignment 5 as where I had tried to add creativity to some of the photos they were seen as poorly taken shots, not working out as well as I had hoped. The feedback was helpful and made the point that I should have been more careful to have taken the bride and father arriving in the car shot from the brides side as this was on the road and the bride had to climb over to the curb side. I was distracted by this but could have planned this better and asked Terri to sit on the other side when she got into the car

The Methodist church where the wedding took place was situated on a small corner with hardly any grounds and was not very pleasing to the eye, as the church did not make a very pleasing photo I took the picture of it with a fish eye lens and added a texture to try and create a more interesting and fairytale wedding picture.

The main door to the church was boarded up inside so the bride and groom now have to use a side entrance. (Although I arranged with one of the church wardens who kindly opened the original door for a quick photo after the wedding), when the bride and her father entered the church rather than the distracting background I tried to show a more creative shot by blowing the background out, I had seen a similar photo to this in Damien Lovegrove's book Profesional Wedding Photograph which was one of the books that i based my research on. In one of the shots the tutor thought I could have directed the father better but I thought this was a real tender moment between the bride and her father as they where just about to walk down the isle and I wanted to take the shot in a more storybook style.

Quoted from Lovegrove's book "Storybook wedding photography is where record photography goes one stage further. All the detail and moments of the day are captured, telling the story of the day often through 'rose tinted glasses' even the brides shoes get there own shot! This is still essentially record photography, but usually the 'people pictures' take on a less formal style with only a few of the people showing eye contact with the camera."

I took lots of photos of the wedding starting at the brides house with her getting ready, and then meeting up with the groom and taking preparation shots with him before proceeding to the church.
I only selected a few photos for my assignment as the brief said to include 6 to 12 image and I also thought that these would clearly tell the story of the event without showing the whole day which I think would go on too long however I must have misjudged this and did not show enough of the day according to feedback, so I have revised this and added more photos though I was not allowed to take any photos during the service.

I found expressing myself in the learning log quite difficult but when discussing this with another photographer they suggested including evaluations. And I found this a more structured way of getting my thoughts across, something I had not thought of doing before.

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