Thursday 3 January 2013

Exercise 26 Measuring exposure

For the first part of this exercise I need to show photos that are lighter or darker than average and explain them.

Photo 1

This photo with its high key background is deliberately lighter than average to create a bright effect and make it stand out.

Photo 2

With its light background and light on to the side of the face this photo is lighter than it should be but with the models bright blue t-shirt his hat and the band across it standing out, and the darker square in the middle of his face  showing the strong fetchers of his eyes, nose and mouth for me make this picture work.

In this photo the background should have been darker but I like the effect of having it lighter.

I have deliberately wanted this photo darker than normal to try and create lots of depth, texture and mood to it.

Part 2

For the second part of this exercise I have to take a set of 5 different photos with a range of exposures here are my photos

In this first photo I prefer the second and third pictures
 I find this one to be too dark                                    

This is my favourite picture though darker than average I think that it shows lots of texture and movement through it, with an artistic feel

This is an average exposure I like this picture as it shows a good range of the colours with a lighter delicate feel

This picture goes lighter still creating an abstract confetti like image which I like

I find this fifth picture to be too light
Photo 2

Again I like the 3rd picture its correct exposure although I prefer the sky in the second and third pictures being darker but would not want to forsake the for ground to achieve this, although using a filter would have created a better photo

Photo 3

Although there is quite a difference between these 5 pictures it has taken me a
while to decide on my favourite and I think that they could all work depending
on what you where after using the picture for I am going with the 2nd pic but also
like the 4th

Photo 4

In this picture I prefer the darker exposure although there is not much difference in
the top 2
Photo 5

In the last picture I like the 1st which is the darkest picture as it really brings the darkness
of the mud out.

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