Sunday 6 January 2013

Exercise 33 Tungsten and fluorescent lighting

For this exercise I had to light the room brightly with tungsten lighting and then wait until dusk taking 3 pictures with  the interior and the dusk of the exterior both in the shots at different WB settings. when looking out of the window and then back indoors the light was more orange until my eyes adjusted back, I took some meter readings in the room while waiting at 100 ISO I would need a tripod to shoot, the light was very uneven at different parts of the room.

Here are the pictures

This is the closest both inside and out

This is by far the most orange of the 3 pictures


In this photo it looks a lot colder and the outside very blue

Second part of exercise

Under florescent light as I don't have any lights that are florescent I went down to our local pub and the landlady kindly let me take a couple of pictures in her kitchen





The pictures that I have taken using the florescent setting are slightly more warm

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