Tuesday 8 January 2013

Exercise 37 Contrast and shadow fill

For this exercise I have to set up a still life shot with the camera on a tripod and a light 2 - 3 feet to the side at the same level as the still life and take a range of photos

photo 1 no diffuser
This was the most contrasty with dark shadows falling from the objects and harsh uneven shadow on the clock face and the light side of the figure face

Photo2 using diffuser
This is a softer light

The next picture is with a piece of white card placed to the side opposite side of the light about 3 feet away

The clock face is more evenly lit, the figures face is lighter

With the white card moved closer to the subject
more light is bounced back to the lit side of the figure face and the clock face

With Aluminium foil dull side
Foil has lightened the whole image up, and lit up  the darker side of the figure

Foil shiny side this has lit the darker side of the face even more with no contrast

With shiny crumpled up this shows more contract to the darker side of the picture with more evenly spread lighting overall

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