Thursday 3 January 2013

Exercise 27 Higher and lower sensitivity

For this exercise I have to take a serious of pictures at low and higher sensitivity altering the iso setting
the pictures where taken on quite a dull day so there was nobody around apart from in the highstreet where I took the shots.

First set of pictures

100 ISO
At 100 ISO this picture was difficult to take hand held on such a dull day, the more that it is enlarged the more that you notice the camera shake and it would need to be taken using a tripod at this ISO

400 ISO
At 400 ISO this photo is much better with no noise

 800 ISO

I have taken this picture at 800 ISO when enlarged you can start to see some noise in the darker areas
 1600 ISO
Even at 1600 this image is acceptable without too much noise, I thought that there would be a real difference going up to this ISO and I am always reluctant to using high  ISO settings but I think that as long as the picture does not contain to many dark areas to show up more noise that this is great to use and I will make more use of it

400 ISO
400 ISO produces a good noise free image
 100 ISO
Again when the 100 ISO is enlarged you can see camera shake on this hand held picture and I should really have used a tripod at this setting
 100 ISO
This really needed to be taken using a tripod at this setting as you can see camera shake when hand holding
800 ISO
At 800 ISO the noise is still hardly noticeable only in small detail areas like the brighter white window frame and the darker canopy
400 ISO
400 ISO produced an acceptable image with little noise

100 ISO
Again to use this setting I should have used a tripod

400 ISO
At 400 ISO there is hardly any noise

800 ISO
At 800 ISO there is quite a bit of noise in this image on the road where it is quite bright

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