Monday 7 January 2013

Exercise 36 The lighting angle

For this exercise I set up a Buddha figure on a small table used a tripod to set my camera up at the same level and then took a set of photos with a defused light at different angles

Here are the photos
Lit from the front
This is lit fairly evenly showing lots of detail with shadow to the back

From the side
The light hitting the side makes the figure look more demential but there is less detail with harsh light on one side and dark shadows the other

From behind and to one side
This has created edge lighting to the side of the figure and a subtler light on the figure

Directly behind
This has created a silhouette

For the next set of photos I have raised the light to point down at the subject at an angle

Angles and lit from the front
fairly even light without as much shadow

Angled and light from side
The lighting is one sided on the face with darker shadow to the unlit side

Angled and light from  behind and to one side
light is aimed more to the head and shoulder with a subtler light on the rest of the statue

Angled Directly behind
light flair to the figure face with a hazy look to the rest of the figure

The next 3 photos where taken overhead

light from front
light from side

light from behind

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