Monday 12 March 2012

Exercise 12. Positioning the Horizon.

I decided to choose a seascape for this exercise and took a set of pictures of the horizon ranging from top to bottom.

In the first picture the horizon is positioned right of the bottom of the frame. This is my favourite of all the images as it makes the sky look more dramatic.
Although slightly higher than the last picture the horizon in still placed low in the frame. The foreground has little interest so I don't think the picture works.
In this picture the horizon takes up the bottom quarter of the frame. The sun is just seeting at the horizon point which adds interest to the picture.
The horizon is halfway in the frame on this picture, This does nothing for both the sky or the foreground.
In this picture the horizon is three quarters up in the frame, the sky shows little interest, but this gives more detail and texture to the foreground.
In the last photo of this series the horizon is almost at the top of the frame showing a thin line of sky. But the picture is all about the texture and detail of the foreground.

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