Sunday 4 March 2012

Exercise 2. Focus with a set aperture.

I first tried this exercise with a row of beach huts but was not happy with the results. So I decided to redo the exercise this time choosing three stumps of wood.

For the first picture I focused on the first stump, this made the first stump stand out blurring the other two stumps giving an almost 3D effect.
For the second picture I focused on the second middle stump, This sent the first stump slightly out of focus with emphasis on the middle stump, but also more detail showing on the third stump.
For the final picture I focused on the third stump, this sent the first stump more blurred and out of focus leading you through the picture to the third stump, which is sharp and in focus.
Out of the three pictures my least favourite is the third picture as I do not like how out of focus the first stump is. The first stump is not as out of focused as much as in the second picture, this picture as a feeling of depth to it that I like. I nearly made it my personal favourite out of the three but as I like out of focussed backgrounds, I chose the first picture.
This shows lots of detail in the first stump with a pattern of cracking in it and then the out of focus background.

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