Wednesday 14 March 2012

Exercise 14. Cropping.

I have selected three pictures that I have taken and then looked at different ways that I can crop them.

This picture is has taken in camera, of a snapshot of Cromer taken from the pier.
I cropped into the top and bottom of the picture, I think this works well.
For this picture I have not cropped it so tightly.
For the last picture I have cropped the frame so it is upright but prefer the other crop.
This picture has been taken inside the camera. I like the texture that this picture gives and thought it would look good in different shapes.
I have cropped into the bottom of the picture to give a letterbox effect. This shows the texture of the picturing moving in the direction of the frame.
I have now cropped the picture into a square giving an interesting block of colour.
In this picture I have cropped it into a rectangle, this is my least favourite as I do not think you get the impact as in the other photo's.
This picture was taken inside the camera. 
I have cropped in on the left of this picture, this removes the stump and reflection which I found distracting.
In this picture I have cropped the background out further, this removes the out of focus duck.
I have cropped this picture as to give a letterbox effect.

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