Sunday 4 March 2012

I was really excited when the OCA course material arrived, and keen to get started. Unfortunately I had to go away for a couple of weeks to take care of a sick aunt.
I started looking at some of the exercises whilst I was away and thinking of locations for when I got back home.
As I love the beach and sea, I thought I would try and incorporate these in some of the exercises.

Exercise 1 - Focal Length and Angle of View

For this excersise I decided to photograph a row of beach huts. I have a full frame camera and used my 24mm - 105mm lens.

For the first picture to appear equal through the viewfinder and my other eye I moved the lens to 50mm
For the second picture I used a focal length of 24mm (The widest length for this lens)
For the third picture I used a focal length of 105mm (The max Zoom)

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