Wednesday 7 March 2012

Exercise 4. Shutter Speeds.

I took a range of shots of a bike going backwards and forwards at different shutter speeds for this exercise.

The first picture is 1/8, F22. This is very abstract but you can start to see the wheels of the bike.
The second picture is 1/13, F22. Here you can start to see blurred movements of the bike.
The Third picture is 1/25, F16. Still blurred.
The fourth picture is 1/40, F13. You can now start to see me detail of the rider.
5th Picture. 1/60, F10. You can still see movement.

6th Picture. 1/100, F8. Here you can see movement in the wheels.

7th Picture. 1/160, F5.6. Image is getting sharper, there is still movement in the wheels.

8th Picture. 1/250, F5.6. Bike is frozen.

9th Picture. 1/400, F4.5. Bike looks as if it is at a standstill.

10th Picture. 1/640, F4. Looks lie the bike has stopped.

11th Picture. 1/1000, F4. No movement.

12th Picture. 1/1600, F4. Image getting darker no movement.

13th Picture. 1/2500, F4. Darker image, bike frozen.

14th Picture. 1/400, F4. Darkest image bike frozen.
So from the pictures above, picture no 8 would be the one that is sharply frozen.

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